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Focusing on loss prevention

Current cooperation with the recruitment department promotes success in preventing physical and information loss

Managing loss prevention is one of the main challenges faced by a modern organization. The three major reasons for the great complexity are:

  1. Security versus current conduct - while loss prevention involves all the organization's activities, an attempt to restrict them may disrupt the organization's current conduct and evoke resistance. For example, a thorough check of workers and customers at all exit points would prevent theft, but it would also detain workers and customers, let them feel they are not trusted, and require valuable resources.

  2. Lack of boundaries - the information revolution extends the struggle for loss prevetion beyond the organization's physical boundaries.  Information leakageage or theft have become easy to commit and hard to trace, and they have a destructive potential for the organization.

  3. Measuring economic success - in an era where everything is measurable and success is presented in a simple numerical form, it's hard to quantify the value of loss prevention. Is the economic value of apprehending a thief measured only by the cost of the product he/she has stolen? And what about deterrence and the cost of severance pay for the corruptly behaved employee? And how can we quantify the value of information loss, trade secrets' leakage and reputational damage?


In order to protect the organization, while maintaining the other departments' cooperation, a compromise must be made. So, for example, instead of hermetically closing the organization, we'll find other ways to minimize the risks:

  1. Placing cameras and detectors will create deterrence and allow us to investigate the event after it has taken place.

  2. Inventory counts and surveys will allow us to discover loss in retrospect.

  3. Training and including the staff will help recruit them to support loss prevention.


Minimum loss, maximum profit for the organization


If we can think of the workers as our partners in the struggle rather as a threat, we'll profit on several levels:

1. Motivation - by creating an interest-based partnership between the workers and   the  organization.

2. Cooperation - recruiting the workers to take part in our struggle to prevent loss  from being caused by internal or external factors.

3. Minimizing the internal threat - minimizing the risk of sabotage being perpetrated by intra-organizational factors.


In order to achieve cooperation between the organization and the workers we should find a balancing point between blind trust and suspicion and alienation:

  • Preventive activity - a thorough scrutiny of candidates in order to prevent the entry of negative elements into the organization.

  • Training and inclusion - recruiting the workers to support the organization's goals will prevent internal loss and provide preventive information.

  • Supervision and control - periodical checks for the purpose of troubleshooting will help minimize the risk and increase the workers' awareness.


However, the key-point in achieving balance between prevention and current activity is dealing effectively with the organizaiton's most significant entry gate - the recruitment department. Optimal cooperation with the recruitment department will allow the organization both to protect its assets and to find the right people at the right time, in order to maintain leadership, stability, speed and flexibility.


The most advanced reliability tests in the world


In order to fascilitate the cooperation between the departments and make the best of it, we developed the Integrity Meter reliability tests (detailed information is provided below). The tests are easily integrated into the work-processes of both departments and provide maximal protection to the organization's assets and wellbeing.  

Based on our acquaintance with the organizational world,  we formulated a few points that may promote optimal cooperation:

  • It's important to recognize the recruitment challenges as well as the challenge of preventing physical and conceptual loss.

  • One should recognize the similarity and the difference between the two departments' work processes: CV collection versus background checkups, personality and skills tests versus reliability tests, and job interviews versus questioning sessions.

  • Besides meeting the recruitment goals, one should take into account that employees may  drop out of the organization (due to stumbling, among other things).

  • The process has to be clear and respectable, and emphasize that preventing the entry of negative elements into the organziation is the candidate's interest no less than it is the organization's.

  • Disqualifying a candidate after he/she has been chosen leads to loss of resources and bad feelings. Testing the candidate's reliability at an early stage prevents damage to the organization and conflicts with the security department.

  • In cases where problematic findings emerge regarding a candidate, it's important to include the security team in his/her questioning and in making decisions about his/her reliability, while integrating into the department's current work.

  • Recruitment budget is limited, therfore it's better to choose a reliability test which would minimize the need for complementary questioning (the most expensive component of the reliability diagnostic process), without harming the test's capablities.


In addition, one should bear in mind several points regarding the recruitment department's work:

  • The recruitment department is the organization's face and its conduct affects the way the organization is perceived.

  • The department's staff is aware of the importance of reliability, but it must consider other factors, such as suitability for the job and for the work environment.

  • The department's managers operate  under constant pressure to recruit candidates, according to quantitative, qualitative and time goals.

  • In the recruitment world it's common to make use of statistical tools to assess personality and skills.

  • With no reliability testing tools, it's  hard to turn a job interview into a questioning session which deals with intimate details.

  • The department's resources are limited, and therefore it's important to find the balance between investing in external tests and tools and achieving the desirable outcome. â€‹


Optimal combination of reliability tests and questioning in the recruitment process


An average recruitment process includes the following steps:

Finding the candidate, holding a job interview, a suitability test (personality and skills), reliability tests, questioning (when needed).


In order to balance between the speed and effectiveness of the process and the cost of its various components, we'll construct it based on the following assumptions:

  • The most expensive components are the duratioins of the job interview and the complementary questioning.

  • The duration of a personality and skills test is significantly longer than the duration of a reliability test.

  • Steps that require coordination between departments (questioning or interviewing by a senior executive) are more complex.


As a result, the following process is recommended:



Integrating a reliability assessment into the recruitment process

Here is a brief guide that explains the main points of the chart:

  • In spite of its cost, the job interview is placed at the beginning, in order to verify candidate information and basic suitability.

  • It's followed by tests whose cost is marginal per working-hour, according to their duration.

  • Since questioning is significantly more expensive than a test, we'll investigate any doubts that arose following the reliability test only if the candidate has successfully passed all the tests.

  • Expensive steps which require complex coordination should be placed at the end of the process (for example, a questioning by a senior executive).


A smart screening system and up-to-date tests:


Integrity Meter offers a diagnostic comprehensive solution, which includes i-pass, a unique personality and skills diagnostic system, combined with a layout of advanced reliability tests, developed on the basis of practical knowledge and experience.


The system's capabilities were tested and validated by a Haifa University psychometrician, and verified by security, human resources and recruiting professionals. In addition, the tests undergo normalization and updating processes, in order to ensure their adjustment to changes in the population.

Using the system and the tests is precisely in line with the requirements of the recruitment and security departments:

  1. Examining all the aspects needed for measuring suitability - professional skills, personal fit for the job and for the organization, and integrity.

  2. Locating and flooding vital data - the system provides a detailed report, including facts and suspicions, which can be examined by using complementary tools, such as a background check or a frontal questioning.


Besides preventing the recruitment of unsuitable employees, using the system also leads saving the costs of holding screening days. Since the tests only require a computer and an organization representative, they can be carried out in offices or anywhere else, without the need to rent space and pay external testers.

Additional major advantages:

  • A full modification to the organization's needs  - topic and language selection, and the construction of job-based tests.

  • Maximal accuracy - the screening process focuses on skills and performances, with no emotional bias. Therefore the results are more accurate and allow informed decision-making about choosing or disqualifying workers.

  • Simplicity and transparency  - the reports provide detailed explanations about the candidates and allow full consideration and correct management of questioning, in order to make informed decisions.

  • Flexibility - the report allows you to weight additional data which have been revealed in the course of further check-ups and questioning, in order to make informed decisions.

  • Revealing attempts to hide information - the only tests capable of revealing an intentional omission of details that are vital for decision making. They may be followed by complementary questioning.

  • Information security -  the system's information security is managed under the ISO-27001:2013 standard and the Privace Protection Authority guidelines. In addition, you can set permissions for each employee and prevent the exposure of sensitive information.

  • Intuitive user experience - no need for previous knowledge. The test's results appear clearly and immediately, with no need for information analysis.

  • Easy implementation - our team accompanies the implementation process, in the professional and technical aspects.

  • Accompaniment and guidance - in order to make the most out of the information revealed in the report, we hold training sessions about questioning and background checks.

  • On-line technical and professional support.

  • Updates and upgrades are carried out automatically.


Complementary services


In some cases we need to take complementary actions, in order to allow maximal utilization of the information revealed in the tests.

We offer a variety of complementary services to organizations which don't perform them independently:

  • CV verification - verifying details with  workplaces and educational institutions

  • Background check - testing and crosschecking data from legal databases

  • Complementary questioning - questioning for the purpose of clarifying details that emerged in the reliability report

  • Full questioning - comprehensive questioning about all the topics defined by the employer


In addition, we hold periodical credibility tests. This is an advanced test which allows organizations to run comprehensive credibility tests throughout the year. Regular use of the test allows the organization to have an accurate picture of what goes on in the company and trace irregularities, starting with failure to follow internal procedures and ending with criminal actions. The exclusive platform allows full modification of the reliability test to the organization's needs, in a way that guarantees the best and most credible results. The test also serve as prevention and deterrence tools, and allow loss prevention and dealing with internal disorders.

Who are you looking for?

We'll help you focus on the right candidate.


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