Work candidate
Dear candidate,
The test is a suitability test to the job you applied for.
The test includes various questions and situations, in a number of topics, according to various characteristics, determined by the company.
Each question, sentence, or situation description should be answered by clicking the right answer with the 'mouse' ("yes" or "no").
This test may be taken in a variety of languages, including Hebrew, Arabic, Russian, Amharic, English, French and Spanish.
If you wish to be tested in any other language, please notify your tester.
In this test, each question and topic will show on the screen for a limited amount of time.
After the time has expired, or after you have answered, the next question will show.
If you need an extenuation in the tests, please let your tester know.
The test's duration is less than half an hour.
Good luck !